Adult Training

Adult volunteers are at the heart of Scouting, and we hope that you will get every bit as much out of it as you put in. Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of adults within the Movement.

To support adults in Scouting, the Association provides a comprehensive programme of training to build on existing skills and knowledge and develop new competencies.

Some elements of training can count towards externally-recognised qualifications, and within the movement there are also awards to recognise dedication to training and outstanding service.

To find out which training modules are required for your role, use the Interactive Module Matrix

Training Module Links


Use this key to identify which modules are required for your role. Hover your mouse over a key block to see the roles applicable.

All Appointments
Section Leaders and Section Supporters
Managers, Section Supporters, Other Supporters
Mandatory Ongoing Learning

Getting Started Modules

The getting started modules should be completed in the first five months of your appointment. Use the key above to see which modules are applicable to your role. Click a link to start online e-learning or view more information.

M2: Personal Learning Plan

Plan your Wood Badge training with your manager

M1: Essential Information

Information about Scouting


Safe activities to keep everyone safe


Safeguarding practices and your responsibilities


General Data Protection Regulations

M3: Tools for the Role (Leaders)

Help for your role and responsibilities

M4: Tools for the Role (Managers)

Help for your role and responsibilities

Trustee Introduction

Legal responsibilities and regulations

Wood Badge Modules

Most adults should complete Wood Badge training modules. These should be done within the first three years of your appointment. For a list of modules that apply to your role, please select your role(s) below:

Scout Role(s):

Mandatory Ongoing Learning

These modules should be completed every three years. Executive Committee members don't need to complete the First Aid module.


Safe activities to keep everyone safe


Safeguarding practices and your responsibilities

M10: First Aid

For leaders, managers and supporters

Training Team
NameRole Description 
Symon Dunstan District Commissioner
Claire Penticost First aid trainer
Debbie Williams TA 1st Cefn FForest
Maria Pitten TA 1st Sengenhydd, 2nd Caerphilly
Linda Terrell Training Adviser 1st Abercarn, 1st Newbridge, 1st

Managers and Supporters

Training News

From the DC

First Response

Many of you have seen the notifications in relation to First Response. Any Leader, Assistant Leader or GSL with more 6 months service needs to have first response. At the end of February, we will be looking at who and who hasn’t got this part of your training.

Please check out our Facebook page or your email that’s registered on Compass to see links that will help you complete the training. If you feel you can’t complete in time, please contact me on 07425153884 or drop me a mail, so we can help.

TA and Module training

It apparent that some leaders have missed the several notifications we’ve put out in relation to Tas, please see below a list of all Tas that can assist with advising you on your Modules

Risca – Symon (A new TA is being assigned soon)

Abercarn/Pontywaun/Newbridge -Linda Terrel

Sirhowy/Gilfach- Elizabeth O’Malley

Cefn Forrest -Debbie Williams

Ystrad Mynach -Mathew Witcombe

Sengenhydd/2nd Caerphilly -Maria Pitten

7th Caerphilly Symon

1st Caerphilly – Jeannette Baker

We need a few more TAs, so if you feel you would like to help, please feel free to drop me a call or email.

To see what training, you have completed and has been signed off for you see the link below. You cannot compete your training via compass.

To find your training, please visit the Scout Assosiation website, the link is below.

As always, if you have any queries, questions or concerns, please feel free to call me after 3 pm and before 8pm most evenings or drop me an Email/Teams message/FB message


Symon District Commisioner. 



ADC Inclusion


Mental Wellbeing in Scouting: How to Support Our Young People

The team from Child and Family Community Psychology, in Gwent have kindly offered to deliver a free workshop for leaders/adult volunteers on the subject of mental wellbeing in Scouting and what we can do to help support our members.

The event will take place at Risca Scout Hut on March 19th at 10.30am.

This is an interactive workshop where you will learn more about mental wellbeing, why it’s important to support our young people and how this can be done within your programme - places can be booked here:  

If you have any questions about the event, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch (


Period Poverty

In partnership with Caerphilly County Borough Council, I have been given a range of period products to distribute across our groups to help address period poverty.  If you would like a bag of items then please let me know and I will arrange delivery – otherwise they will be dropped off to the groups over the next coming months.


Park Update

It has been great seeing people using the Park again!

The Park has been undergoing repair works over the last year. So far, we have had new roofs on all the buildings, so all now watertight. New fire doors put on the lodge and the toilet block. Internal works in the lodge, so we have a leader’s dorm that now has windows and has had walls and ceilings done. The dorms and meeting room have also had the ceilings done and new LED lighting installed. The bathroom has a new window, and we are having the rest of the windows changed soon. The Activity centre and garage have had roller shutters put on for the added security. Once the works are completed and everything has been put back in the lodge, we will be reopening it.

We have a new booking system in place, bookings will only be accepted now via the booking system which is OSM based and can be booked here .  When you go on to book it will tell you if it is available and what you are able to book, so no need to ask me if its available, you can now see yourself, (something I have been asked for in the past). We are getting everything bookable on it, please bear with us while we do this as there is a lot of new equipment, we are going through to make sure it all goes on.  

I have to say a big thank you to Dave for getting the grants in for us to be able to do the refurbishment. Rich and the new park subcommittee for getting the new booking system up and running and supporting me and the maintenance team for their hard work getting everything tidy and fixing bits and not forgetting everyone who can and helped on our working party, sorry if I’ve forgotten to mention anyone.

ADC Beavers


Plans for Damboree (Beavers & Squirrels) and its activites are in full swing at the moment. I will be emailing all Beaver sections over half term with link for Microsoft form to find out how many are planning to attend it is the weekend of 18th/19th June. Full price and details will be out once I know how many are planning to attend.

It will be a catered event so I am looking for volunteers to run the catering for the event, please drop me a message if you are able to help with this.

As restrictions are easing I am going to start getting back out to visit colonies to see the exciting activities happening in all groups.

Its so great to see all the activities that are currently happening so thank you all for everything you are doing for our young people.


ADC scouts 


All wales scout camp plans are in full swing I will be in touch shortly after the 15th with costs for bus travel and catering costs for you to have an accurate figure. 


I'm hoping that we can cater centrally with support from the leaders going and that we can share catering equipment to make this happen. 


As restrictions are easing, I would welcome suggestions for events that you would like to see in district maybe an incident hike or similar drop me a mail with ideas please. I am aiming to start getting back out to groups after Easter so look forward to seeing how your all doing 


Thank you for all your doing for the young people in our district


From the DESC

I would like to start with congratulating all those that have achieved top awards in 2021 it has not been easy. I am pleased to say the Explorer section is going from strength to strength and we now have you leaders in groups up and down the valley and in all sections including squirrels.

As a reminder that like mandatory adult training all Young Leaders must have done Module A with 3 months and if you have any Young Leaders in your group who have not done this, please contact me so we can get training sorted.





Read Full Story
We are deighted to confirm that we have secured a £15K Investment in Target Shooting through Sports Wales (90% Grant Funded with a 10% Contribution from CRAI Scout District Council).
The Investment is centred around upgrading the Rifle Ranges we have at CRAI Scout Activity Centre to offer 10M indoor shooting, a wider variety of targets (Knockdown, bell targets etc.), investment in AirArms MPR400 Sporter PCP Rifles along with all of the additional equipment needed to support these, Targets, Pellets and Instructor Courses for Club Coaches and Three position Shooting (Kneeling Prone and standing) as well as the equipment needed to support these shooting styles.
We will also be purchasing an Outdoor “Pop-up” range to support an Activity called Target Sprint as well as running the necessary training to allow YPST Diploma Holders to run Target Sprint sessions.
We will be registering as a Target Sprint Hub (only the fourth in Wales) and will be looking to run Monthly Shooting sessions, supported by senior coaches from across South Wales, that will be accessible by the whole community (not just Scouts).  this will help us raise funds and establish CRAI as an importnt Community Location. We will be hoping to create shooting teams to take part in National Scout and Open competitions in Target Sprint and Target Shooting.
If you, or someone you know, would be interested in getting involved in Target Sprint, the Monthly Shooting sessions or the additional courses please contact me. Obviously all of the equipment and ranges will be availible for use by existing YPST Diploma Holders (restrictions will be in place on equipment that requires specialist training as you would expect).
And OBVIOUSLY all of these activities are currently restricted by the current Pandemic and our Face to Face Scouting status of "Red".
Read Full Story

CRAI Scouts
CRAI Scout Activity Park, Maes-Y-Haf Lane, Newbridge, Caerphilly, NP11 4RX

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